
African studies: a focus area with tradition

Bayreuth’s regional research focus on Africa has existed since the establishment of the University in 1975. Today, the term African Studies refers to the totality of Bayreuth's Africa-related research and training activities animated by 40 different disciplines and subject areas, from cultural and language studies to the social sciences, economics, and law to the Earth sciences and biosciences. The Institute of African Studies coordinates all Africa-related activities at the University of Bayreuth.

Within this wide and diverse range of disciplines, which is unique for a single university, interdisciplinary cooperation has been consistently encouraged from the very beginning. The collaboration between academics from different fields working in the same region and addressing joint questions creates strong synergies, which have led to the establishment of research groups, bachelor's and master's programmes, and doctoral programmes, with a high proportion of researchers from Africa.

The outstanding position of African Studies at the University of Bayreuth is reflected in its success within the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state governments. The Cluster of Excellence “Africa Multiple – Reconfiguring African Studies” ( ) started work in 2019, in intensive cooperation with four African Cluster Centers on the African continent. The Cluster integrates the Bayreuth International Graduate School in African Studies (BIGSAS) and the Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies with its fellowship programme. New and unique professorships were set up: a Chair of Epistemologies of the Global South with Emphasis on Africa, a Chair in African Legal Studies and a Professor for Interdisciplinary Data Management & Knowledge Generation. More than 160 active members investigate the Cluster topics.

Our university library houses the second largest collection of books and media on Africa in Germany, with 155,000 volumes and media items, which provide an important basis for Bayreuth's internationally recognized Africa expertise.

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